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Driving SH7 from Waikari to Waipara | Canterbury | New Zealand | 4K
Driving SH7 from Hurunui to Waikari | Canterbury | New Zealand | 4K
VirtualNZ: Waiau to Waikari
Idoit on Waikari NZ, as nice as he was trying to let me pass, it was far to dangerous and stupid
Mark from Waikari
Waikari Cemetery, North Canterbury, New Zealand
Waikari View, Rural, North Canterbury, NZ April 2016
View of SH7 and approaching the photo stop location on the train
This was up in Waikari in NZ south island
3A Princes Street, Waikari, Hurunui
2021 | Waikari School Trail Ride NZ
Waikari hills